Harassment Policy and Complaint Procedure
If you have questions about Flatiron’s harassment policy or procedures, please feel free to email FlatironCompliance@flatironcorp.com. All information and questions are kept confidential.
If you would like to report an incident anonymously, please call our confidential employee hotline at 1-(877)-860-1081.
Unlawful Harassment
Flatiron is dedicated to the principles of equal employment opportunity in any term, condition or privilege of employment. We do not discriminate against applicants or employees on the basis of age (over 40), race, sex, color, religion, national origin, disability, veteran’s status, sexual orientation, domestic partners or any other status protected by state, federal or local law.
This prohibition includes verbal or physical conduct, which has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with your work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment. This policy applies to all employees, including managers, supervisors, coworkers, and nonemployees such as customers, owners, clients, vendors, and consultants.
Retaliation against you for filing a complaint under this policy or for assisting in a complaint investigation is prohibited. If you believe there has been a violation of our EEO or retaliation standards, please follow the company complaint procedure outlined in the Code of Conduct.
Sexual Harassment
Because sexual harassment raises issues that are to some extent unique in comparison to other harassment, the Company believes it warrants separate emphasis.
The Company has zero tolerance for sexual harassment and inappropriate sexual conduct. Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, when:
- Submission to such conduct is made explicitly and is a term or condition of employment;
- Submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for decisions affecting an individuals employment; or
- Such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.
You are expected to conduct yourself in a professional and businesslike manner at all times. Inappropriate sexual conduct is expressly prohibited by this policy. Such conduct includes, but is not limited to, sexually implicit or explicit communications whether in:
- Written form, such as cartoons, posters, calendars, notes, letters, email;
- Verbal form, such as comments, jokes, foul, or obscene language of a sexual nature, gossiping or questions about another’s sex life, or repeated unwanted requests for dates; and/or
- Physical gestures and other nonverbal behavior, such as unwelcome touching, grabbing, fondling, kissing, massaging, and brushing up against another’s body. If state or local law provides for additional protection to include other groups, federal law will not supersede it.
Complaint Procedure
If you believe there has been a violation of the EEO or Harassment Policy in regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, domestic partners or any other status not protected by state, federal or local laws or any other company policy, you should notify the following:
- Your immediate supervisor, and/or
- Your regional or project EEO officer (if applicable)
If you are not comfortable reporting the incident to your immediate supervisor, you may report the complaint to any employee in a supervisory position. The Colorado corporate EEO office may always be contacted at any time. The Company expects employees to file a timely complaint to enable management to investigate and correct any behavior that may be in violation of Company policy.
If management reaches a decision that you feel is unsatisfactory, you may dispute the decision with the vice president of human resources. If management determines that an employee’s behavior is in violation of the Company policy, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against the offending employee.
The Company prohibits retaliation against you for filing a complaint or for assisting in a complaint investigation. If you feel you are being retaliated against, you should follow the complaint procedure outlined above.
The Company has adopted an “open door” policy, which allows you to confer with anyone in a supervisory position regarding complaints of any nature, including discrimination and harassment.
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