Project News

Girders Set into Place for Bridge Widening at Denver International Airport

Overnight operation completes milestone in building new interchange 

Thanks to great planning alongside our client, Denver International Airport, the tub girders for the widening of Peña Boulevard bridges over a future diamond interchange are in place. 

The roadway is the only entry and exit point for the airport. It sees tens of millions of drivers annually. 

FlatironDragados is transforming Peña Boulevard along a five-mile stretch leading into the terminal. Among them is a new diverging diamond interchange at the Jackson Gap Street intersection. The interchange, also located near the busy car rental areas, will improve safety and efficiency. The widened bridges will be an important part of the new interchange.  

Ahead of the girder placement, our project management worked with the airport to provide safe vehicular detours. 

Workers placed six tub girder sections into place in a single night shift. The massive structures weighed up to 233,000 pounds. 

In a nod to our remarkable in-house design capabilities, our Construction Engineering Group designed the tower falsework that now supports the girders. 

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