Project News
Getting it Done: Denver Airport Team Navigates Curveball; Reaches Milestone

Turner-Flatiron joint venture delivers work more than two weeks ahead of schedule.
By Dave Koechley, Stephen Wheeler, Dan Martinson and Travis Sherman
The Turner-Flatiron joint venture and Flatiron’s self-perform group recently turned over the first phase of the Concourse A East Gate Area Rehabilitation and Drainage Improvements project on August 7, 2023. This represents the eighth successful turnover for TFJV on the Concourse Expansion Program.
The A East GARDI project entails removing and replacing the paving section for five gates. Phase I was intended to be three gates, and Phase II was the remaining two. Flatiron is self-performing the entire scope for the joint venture.
This turnover is significant because:
- It allows DEN to rearrange airline boarding locations, enabling other airport work to continue.
- It paves the way for the joint venture and Flatiron to complete the last remaining work on A West, the largest project in the concourse expansion program.
Design changes shifted some scope from the second phase to the first one, and the airport requested that TFJV accelerate its work to turnover as close to the original Phase I date as possible. Rising to the occasion, Flatiron developed a new plan to both re-sequence and worked seven days a week – and frequently 24 hours a day – for six weeks through a very wet spring and summer season.
The result: turning over the work 17 days ahead of schedule to a grateful client.