Awards & Recognition
ENR Photo Contest Recognizes LAX APM

Engineering News-Record (ENR) Magazine’s “2022 Year in Construction” photo contest recognizes the Los Angeles International Airport’s (LAX) Automated People Mover (APM) project. Out of more than 1,000 submissions, only 40 made the list.
“The unfinished bridge along with the LAX light pylons made it an amazing sight. I saw the view and I had to take the shot,” said Brandon Tseng, who works in Airport Operations at Los Angeles International Airport. Tseng took the photo in March 2022 using a Nikon D750 with a 24-70 mm lens.
Segmental cantilever construction spans over major roadways — without immediate falsework. This solution allowed all traffic lanes to and from one of the world’s busiest airports to remain open during construction.
About the award
Since 2002, Engineering News-Record has invited individuals and firms to submit photos to its annual “Year in Construction” photo contest. The six judges look for dynamic, well-composed, dramatic and aesthetically pleasing pictures of people working safely in construction. Winning photos are presented in ENR’s January print issue and featured in an online winners’ gallery.
See all the winners in ENR’s “2022 Year in Construction” Slideshow.