Project News
Flatiron Making Progress Enhancing U.S. Highway 50 in Sacramento

Since November 2020, Flatiron crews have been employing their experience and expertise to transform highway infrastructure as part of the U.S. 50 Multimodal Corridor Enhancement and Rehabilitation Project in Sacramento, California. After the first summer of major structures work, we’d like to provide an update to the construction progress
Please watch this quick on-site video tour by Flatiron field engineer, Logan Rivera, who explains key operations and updates to the major bridge construction in Segment 1.
- At the Southside Park Viaduct, crews are finishing up concrete pouring work at the bridge footings and columns.
- Superstructure formwork and rebar placement work is in progress; falsework and stringers are being set up at the Camellia City Viaduct, the longest bridge on the project.
- Smaller bridge work continues to be on schedule: Riverside Viaduct abutment slurry has been poured with form structure work underway.
Other than the bridge work, Flatiron crews are making progress on the sound walls and retaining walls that are under construction at Segment 3.

The sound walls are designed to be 8-14 feet tall and will be a total of 10,400 feet in length. The team applied masonry aesthetics that will be adorned with stainless steel artwork and mosaic color patterns in different neighborhoods. The sound walls are already providing noise reduction that residents are pleased with. And once complete, the sound walls will provide a significant improvement to lessen highway noise in neighborhoods south of U.S. Highway 50 between Stockton Avenue and 65th Avenue.

Flatiron crews are currently putting up rebar for the soil nail retaining walls used to widen U.S. Highway 50; this construction is currently scheduled to be completed January 2022.

Below is a photo showing where the traffic switch preparation work is being set up for roadwork construction at Segment 5, the easternmost limit of the project site. With this latest traffic switch, over 75% of the 8 mile alignment is now active in bridge or highway construction.

More Info about the project
Valued at $430 million, this U.S. 50 Multimodal Corridor Enhancement and Rehabilitation Project is funded by State of California’s Senate Bill (SB) 1 – Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017, and Sacramento Measure A Transportation Sales Tax Program.
Expected to be concluded in December 2024, this comprehensive corridor project will construct High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes and rehabilitate pavement on U.S. 50 from the U.S. 50/I-5 Interchange (PM L0.6) to the U.S. 50/Watt Avenue Interchange (PM R5.3).
The project will allow connectivity and consistency with the planned HOV system in the Sacramento Region and enhance mobility and provide incentives for ride-sharing during peak period travel, which will enable the communities to use the highway facilities more efficiently.