News Release, Project News
Flatiron to Deliver $276M California Highway Improvement Projects

March 24, 2023
Flatiron and construction partners have begun work on two new important California highway improvement projects. With a combined value of $276 million, these projects will reduce traffic congestion, improve safety and contribute to environmental sustainability by enhancing traffic-flow efficiency.
“We welcome the opportunity to continue our collaboration with these clients on important transportation improvement projects,” said Mike Costa, Flatiron Senior Vice President for Northwest Division. “Throughout the projects, we will work closely with our construction partners and clients to identify innovative solutions to any challenges along the way.”
I-80 and U.S. 50 corridor in Yolo County
The California Department of Transportation has selected the Flatiron-led joint venture of Flatiron and Teichert to deliver a $204.8 million project to enhance safety, reduce traffic congestion and improve travel-time reliability along the I-80 and U.S. 50 corridor in Yolo County, California.
I-80 is a vital link for regional and interregional transportation, as the only freeway connection between the San Francisco Bay Area and the Sacramento metropolitan area. This route also connects the Bay Area with recreational destinations in the Sierra Nevada Mountains and points north via I-505 to I-5.
Construction will include widening of two bridges and modification of nine other bridges. Rehabilitation of more than 10 miles of roadway will require more than 100,000 cubic yards of concrete pavement. The project will contribute to environmental sustainability through more efficient traffic flow enabled by state-of-the-art traffic monitoring and traveler information systems.
Currently, Flatiron is working with Caltrans to deliver the $460 million U.S. 50 Multimodal Corridor Enhancement and Rehabilitation project awarded in 2020.
I-15 French Valley Parkway Phase II in Temecula
Flatiron has launched the $71.5 million I-15 French Valley Parkway Phase II project in collaboration with the City of Temecula, California. The project will reduce traffic congestion, improve safety and contribute to environmental sustainability by enhancing traffic-flow efficiency.
With more than 200,000 vehicles traveling on the roadway daily, this highway section is considered among the top ten worst-congested freeway segments in the U.S. In July 2019, Temecula received a $50 million U.S. Department of Transportation Infrastructure & Rebuilding America Grant to support the project.
The second of a three-phase improvement plan, this project calls for constructing collector and distributor lanes along northbound I-15 from Winchester Road Interchange to the I-15/I-215 Junction. Other project highlights include construction of a new bridge over the I-215 Freeway, widening two other bridges and constructing 40-foot-high retaining walls. Flatiron completed Phase I of improvement plan in 2013.
Strengthening position in highway market sector
These projects strengthen Flatiron’s position in the highway market sector. Further, they are consistent with the Flatiron strategy to build on successful relationships in local markets and to secure contracts that offer balanced risk profiles.
About Flatiron
Flatiron is the trusted partner to deliver innovative solutions to infrastructure challenges across the U.S. and Canada. Flatiron collaborates with public and private clients to deliver heavy civil infrastructure including highways and bridges; aviation, rail and transit; dams and water treatment facilities; and underground projects. For more on how Flatiron is transforming infrastructure, visit Flatiron is a subsidiary of HOCHTIEF, an engineering-led global infrastructure group.
Media Contact
Mike Swenson