Awards & Recognition, Project News
Flatiron Recognized for Paving Work at Colorado Springs Airport

The American Concrete Pavement Association has given Flatiron its Excellence in Concrete Paving Award for taxiway work at the Colorado Springs Airport. According to the organization the accolade is “given annually to concrete paving projects of exceptional quality and recognize the owner, engineer, and contractor of each award winning project.”
Flatiron won for the 2018 full reconstruction of a portion of the airport’s Taxiway Mike, as well as the full construction of Taxiway Golf last year.
This was not Flatiron’s first project at the facility. Teams also worked on Taxiways November and Papa from 2017 to 2018.
Rob Richardson, vice president and district manager for the Central Division, was elated by the announcement. “This was an important award for Flatiron because airport paving is a field where we are making a significant investment as a district,” he said.
Flatiron is now entered in the ACPA’s national project competition. The winner of that award will be announced this December.