In the Community, Life at Flatiron
Flatiron Sending Two Teams to Nicaragua for Bridges to Prosperity
Flatiron Construction will be sending two teams to Nicaragua over the next three months as part of their continuing involvement with Bridges to Prosperity.
Team One will conduct efforts on the San Albino Pedestrian Bridge in San Albino, Nicaragua, starting February 26th and continuing through March 6th. This suspended span bridge will be 83 meters (272 feet) in length and serve a population of 1,150 from the neighboring San Albino, San Geronino, San Pablo, and La Nova communities. The new bridge will allow these communities to have access to the most basic services and opportunities that are currently out of reach.
The Team One San Albino team members representing Flatiron will include: Matt Harris, Project Manager; Bryan Rubarth, Construction Manager; Aden Egal, Safety Manager; Sheaya Biddle, Logistics Coordinator; and additional team/crew members Jon Geele, Nathan D’Alessandro, Brandon Joy, Carmelo Chavez Jr., and Ricardo Telon.

A downstream view of the Rio Jicaro at the crossing point where the San Albino footbridge will be built.
Team two will build the El Triangulo Pedestrian Bridge in El Triangulo, Nicaragua, from March 28th through April 6th. This suspension bridge will span 45 meters (148 feet) and serve the neighboring Triangulo, Cocoa, and Cerro Verde communities with a combined population of approximately 4,500. Residents currently have limited access to markets, secondary schools, government services, and potable water that are located on the far side of the river. The new El Triangulo Pedestrian Bridge will provide safe access to critical services and opportunities for a very large population of rural farmers, including the ability to travel with animals or goods to sell at market, while parents will be able to safely travel with young children.
The Team Two El Triangulo team members representing Flatiron will include: Scott Brewer, Project Manager; Mike Rusch, Construction Manager; Mukesh Shreevastav, Safety Manager; Craig Miles, Logistics Coordinator; and additional team/crew members Gonzalo Osborne, Robert Thew, Ryan Krakowski, Joel Jacques, and Servando Zamarron.
Since Flatiron’s partnership with Bridges to Prosperity began in 2010, the company has completed 13 footbridges in four Central American countries. Approximately 170 Flatiron employees have participated in the program. On average, the bridges completed by Flatiron crews serve approximately 284 people per day.