Project News
Project Milestone: Last Girder Placed on New Champlain Bridge

Broomfield, Colorado – A partnership including Flatiron, one of the largest infrastructure contractors in North America, lifted the last box girder on the New Champlain Bridge in Montreal, Sunday, December 9. The professional ironworker team took the helm and the girder, weighing in at 82 metric tons, was lifted into place effortlessly between tight seaway windows and changing winds.
The new Champlain Bridge will provide additional capacity and increase safety on one of the busiest bridges in Canada. Forty to 60 million vehicles use the bridge each year. The route is a major corridor for local residents as well as a trade route to the U.S.
The partnership of SNC-Lavalin, Flatiron and Dragados Canada are responsible for the construction of the project. Consortium equity providers include SNC-Lavalin Capital, ACS Infrastructure Canada, and HOCHTIEF PPP Solutions North America. The project is designed by T.Y. Lin International, International Bridge Technologies, SNC-Lavalin and MMM.
The 3.4-kilometer bridge will include three corridors, with two, three-lane corridors for vehicle traffic and a two-lane transit corridor with light rail capabilities for future use. The bridge will also contain a multi-use path for pedestrians and cyclists.
Additional project information can be found on a special website dedicated to the project. The bridge is scheduled to be completed in 2019 and have a 125-year design life.