Firestone, Colorado (August 12, 2014) – Flatiron, one of the largest infrastructure contractors in North America, won two National Awards for Merit from the Design Build Institute…
Flatiron is replacing the Drayton Valley Bridge over the North Saskatchewan River and improving 8.5 kilometers of Highway 22. Drayton Valley, Alberta, is an oil industry hub…
Despite challenging weather in 2013, the Northeast Anthony Henday project is starting to take shape. NEAH is the largest highway construction project that Alberta, Canada, has undertaken.…
The I-85/Yadkin River Bridge project in North Carolina, constructed by the Flatiron-Lane joint venture team, earned the 2013 Carolinas Associated General Contractors Pinnacle Award, considered the most…
In late May, Flatiron crews completed the company’s second accelerated bridge construction project, the Interstate 15 Manderfield Bridges. The project is on I-15 in central Utah, just north of Beaver.…
A decade after Flatiron and joint venture partners began work on the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge Skyway, Flatiron crews are at work on a new contract that…
With nearly half of the freeway currently open, crews on the Yadkin River Bridge project are rounding the corner and heading into the home stretch—about six months from completion of…
On a cold night in early March, with temperatures well below freezing and snow falling, Flatiron Construction crews began the second of two operations to replace twin bridges over…