Repairing Interstate 70 Glenwood Canyon
On March 8, 2010, a rockslide caused extensive damage to Interstate 70, punching holes in the road bed and tearing into retaining walls and bridge girders near the Hanging Lake exit, causing a 17-mile stretch of I-70 to be closed to traffic.
Work involved bridge deck and retaining wall repairs that included 150 linear feet of new steel bridge rail; concrete barrier repair that included 400 linear feet of replacement; removed and replacement of 450 square feet of retaining wall; the straightening of steel bridge girders using a flame straightening process; asphalt paving; some lighting and electrical repairs; and repairs to the bike trail below.
Despite adverse weather conditions, Flatiron worked seven days a week and reopened this stretch of I-70 12 days earlier than planned. Flatiron received the maximum allowable early completion bonus for their efforts.
Removal of 600 cubic yards of boulders and rock fall material
Reconstruction of 450 square feet of cast-in-place, double T retaining wall
600 square feet of concrete pavement and bridge deck replaced
Used flame strengthening technology to repair steel girders
Completed project 12 days early, in just 59 days